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there's nothing to check... everything ok?
I get to give an oral presentation tomorrow! Yay!🙄 Yeah, if you can't tell I'm not looking forward to it. I think I'm the shyest person I've ever met. I have the mental stability of about a flea. I'm REALLY self-conscious, so whenever I have to give an oral-presentation, I don't want to mess up my words, understandably. Since I'm so paranoid of not messing up, whenever I say something that I don't think is right I fix it. But, instead of just fixing it before I say it, I say the word then realize that my mind didn't fix it, and then I stand there looking like an idiot for 3 minutes. I also get embarrassed really easily. I'm also a perfectionist. So yes. The chances of me not hating life tomorrow are slim
good luck on it 💕 hope everything goes well tomorrow
I wish you so much luck!!!!!!!! hopefully it all goes well!!
Good luck! 🙃
good luck fren! 💕
Caroline I'm only on for a bit I need your help school related