It's me


It's me

36 13
that's so good
it's just something I made up but thank you
well made up is the best because it's personally from you
haha thank you I've never thought of it like that
well I think that if its from you then it's from your heart. because if you copy it then it's not that meaningful
true, true because anyone can copy from the Internet
exactly. therefore if it's written by you then it shows real meaning and shows your talent :)
haha I wouldn't call it a talent but thanks a lot
well I'm no writer or poet but I think it's pretty good
thank you I have a book I usually write in whatever comes to mind
ah I'd love to read it, I'd love to be good with words 😩
I'm sure you are if you put your mind to it
ehh proberly 😂
you should try it
I have written something before but I don't think it's very good 😬
send it to me I'll read it
okay I'll send it on remix is that okay
yeah that's fine
thank you so much for your comment on my post :-) and I really like this as well
it's okay :-) and thanks a lot
this is deep