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Hiya, first of all I would like to say thanks so much for the follow! Second of all, I think I might be able to help๐Ÿ™ƒ I used to suffer/still suffer from stage fright like your friend. I was cast as a semi big part in my school play and at first I was excited and then I felt like being sick when I found out that I would be on the stage alone. every time we rehearsed I would forget my lines or something like that and it resulted in me not wanting to be the part anymore. but one day I just realised something, that if I didn't take this chance then I knew I would seriously regret it. so I went out there and did my best performance. sure I stuttered a couple of times but I've learnt to put a shield up and try and become the character that I have been cast as. I really hope this helps ๐Ÿ˜˜ and your friend is very lucky to have someone as kind as you looking out for them xx๐Ÿ’™