She's gone😔


She's gone😔

13 1
*hugs I'm sorry*
*hugs back almost crying*
I'm so sorry baby..... I hate myself for doing this but I feel she liked you more.... I'm so sorry *Gets a blade and cuts*
*looks in your eyes and wipes your tears*
Stop there's no need to do that
you making me cry I'm so sorry
I hope he treats you right Sophie
*cuts * I'm sorry I should just leave *Takes a knife*
*takes the knife away* Stop
no I need to
*takes the knife back*
I'm sorry Derius *runs and hugs you and cries*
*grabs knife and cuts my wrist* If you don't stop I'll keep cutting myself
no stop *runs and kisses you* I'm sorry
I'll stop if you stop
okay *puts the knife down*
Okay now go on it's ok I'm sure he wants to be with you
no but I thought I wanted to be with him but I want to be with you....*looks down *
You can't fight what feels right
but I feel right with you
No you like him
no I like you
Think about tonight before you make your final decision and tell us tomorrow ok?
okay I will. thank you😘
hey I made my decision......
Ok what is it?
*holds your face and kisses you* Thanks baby
your welcome babe I love you so much and I'm so sorry for everything *kisses you back*
It's fine baby I forgive you
*hugs you *
*hugs you back a squeezes your booty*
mmm don't I miss that*giggles and hugs you back*
*laughs and scratches your back gently*
that feels good *kisses your neck *
*smiles* What would you like to do today babe?
what ever you want baby*jumps on your back*
*holds you up* I have been thinking about something...
what?*looks into your eyes*
Nah forget it you probably wouldn't like it
yeah what?
I'd just have to show you a picture bc I'm too embarrassed to say it
okay show me
How do I?
go to remixes and press add and just do it like that
I seen it💛❤️
the answer is yes💜
Do you understand what I'm saying?
yes the answer is yes
Ok when?
when ever❤️❤️
Just tell me when and I'll be ready👌🏾
or whenever your ready baby😘 I'm ready
I'm ready✌🏾️
alright wanna do it frost or get the tattoo?
u 2 is cute couple
thank you^^