Where is my daddy? //Hann


Where is my daddy? //Hann

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I'm here princess.. I'm here
-cries and hugs u- //Hann
I'm sorry *hugs back*
-hugs and tears fall- mommy been sad
I know baby, daddys been a wreck lately but I'm here okay?*wipes tears*
otay -looks sad- her didnt wanna pway. i had to go pway with Nanny K (Kiley)
mommy doesn't feel good right now and did you have fun *rubs her cheek*
yeah. but i miss mommy
I know it'll be ok
-sits down with 2 dolls- dis one is Mommy's fwavoite
really? well it's beautiful! *smiles*
-nods and fixes her hair-
*looks at her and tears up*
-plays- daddy her name is Ashwee -see's u tearing up and crawls into ur lap- its otay Daddy dont cry
t-that's a beautiful name baby *tear rolls down*
thts Mommy's name. -looks at her doll-
I know *kisses hanns head*
when can i see mommy? -pouts-
soon sweetie
if mommy is feeling better
pwease pwease
hang on sweetie
-sighs- i wait more
you wanna see mommy?
-looks up at u- alot. pwease
alright come on *picks her up*
yay we go see Mommy!!!!
*goes into the room* look who it is.
Mommy!!!!!! //Hann. HANN!!!!! //me
*smiles at you both*
-hugs tightly-