Collage by _Dillon69_


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What happened Dillon
Michael ain't texting me no more, I got told to kill myself.. and many more things
He's not really talking to me either and who the fûçk said that
someone at school.. and he is being a dîck to me 😪😡
Well that person at school can go find someone else to fùck with cuz you're amazing Dillon and don't let anyone else tell you different and awe I'm sorry have you told him how you feel
no not yet.. I've tried calling him but he don't answer EVER I'm prob just gonna make a new account or not fûk it
what? Dillon 😔😤
Awe Dillon I'm sorry *hugs you*
well can I tell you something your prob gonna hatè me
I won't hate you I promise you can tell me anything
I'm a pc kid cuz I get picked on lots
I'm not gonna hate you for that my boyfriend is a pc kid I understand Dillon when someone is a pc kid I don't care cuz no matter what I like that person for who they are and your like my best friend so I'm not gonna be mad or hate you your an amazing guy no matter what
thank you!😊 but I'm gonna create another account and this time I'll show me
Ok tell me what your account is so I can talk to you ☺️
Dillon I've never hated u 😔 I still care about u. I wish u were in my life still
Trust me I get picked on too
k hang on😄
Dillon I'm sorry 😔
k hang on😄
Ok did you hear him and Ray are expecting
Sorry Dillon I tried.
Dillon don't leave...remix me