any tips on how to be okay? i'm not feeling well rn.


❤️❤️❤️ any tips on how to be okay? i'm not feeling well rn.

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love 💝
there are better, more specific tips for specific situations. so the best way in my eyes is to seek out help from your parents/guardians/an adult you trust and/or a doctor! it may be scary but they can help! if you seem to just be a little down today, I have a few suggestions which are very surface level but may cure just an off day (again, if you find yourself having more “off days” than not, please seek out some help from an adult or a doctor. they can help you so much more than you think!)
my tips for feeling better when you just feel a little off... -listen to some happy/upbeat music (sunflower by Rex Orange County is one of my favorites when I find myself feeling down!). -go outside for a hike if you live in an area where that is possible! get as close to nature as you possibly can, and feel the sun on your skin😊. -take a warm bath or shower (perhaps a longer one than you would normally take). -paint or draw, make some art! perhaps it could help to express how you are feeling through a new medium✨. -write. physically put your feelings onto some paper. this can be extremely helpful for some people! -perhaps you just need to vent. in that case, talk to a close friend (on or offline, but preferably off) and ask them to just sit and listen to you. they don’t need to give advice or judge, just listen and provide moral support). -do things to take care of yourself physically. something as simple as brushing your hair or washing your face, to putting lotion on or using a face mask. perhaps you can do the things that make you feel pretty, just for you! (Ex. painting your nails, putting on makeup, disregarding makeup and going with natural beauty, styling your hair, etc). -my final tip is exercise! whether it is an intense workout or some light cardio, exercise can release chemicals into our brain that make us feel good! being active for at least an hour a day has been proven to even help people even with anxiety and mild depression! a little bit a day can go a long ways😊 I hope at least one or more of those tips can help you! sending you my best wishes😌💛✨🌙
my top tips : eat your favorite food, whatever you have that makes you feel warm and happy. Listen to some low-fi it’s soft and wonderful and there are many playlists on YouTube. read, it always helps calm the mind down. If you have pets, it’s scientifically proven that petting them will help you. go outside, nature is always healing and it helps relax, you can even do some breathing exercises. ❤️ hope you get better.
aww here’s my “fantastic” ideas: drink some water. idk why but just do it. Workout (that just makes me feel genuinely better) Do something you enjoy (listening to music, cooking, painting/drawing, etc.) Go outside and observe your surroundings. Maybe even talk about what your feeling with someone you really trust. Also, the comments above mine seem really helpful. I don’t know what you’re going through, but I’m sure self love can actually fix anything. Wash your face, brush your hair, brush your teeth, EVERYTHING.
I love this and good advice ❤️