PLEASE ASK and goodnight otters😘✨

You can ask as many as you want, and in the morning I will give answers!
(Unless it's too personal)


Click PLEASE ASK and goodnight otters😘✨ You can ask as many as you want, and in the morning I will give answers! (Unless it's too personal)

51 0
do you ship Dan and Phil as more than just friends?🌚😏
and who is your PC idol? and who from PC would you like to meet the most?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
would you rather marry Dan or Phil?
if you were stranded on an island,that only has you,Phil,and Dan,and it's just sand,so trees or plants,you're just surrounded by water,and a genie appears,but he will ONLY get you off the island of one of you sacrifices themselves to the Sharks. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OFF THE ISLAND,NO DEVICES,WI-FI,OR WANDS!!!! who gets sacrificed?
Would You Rather Meet Dan and Phil or the golden trio
wyr punch Dan or Phil (I'm just making up random questions😐)
which Pokemon go team are you?
thoughts an joker x Harley Quinn?
have you ever been depressed/attempted suicide/self harmed? It's perfectly fine if you don't feel comfortable answering. I understand.
do you like twentyone pilots? if you do, what's your favorite song?
how do you deal with annoying MUDBLOODS 😛
do you have any pets?
seeker or keeper?