


18 3
πŸ˜³πŸ™ˆ same
Hey Ik you don't like me and everything but I really need to tell you something just in case it happens to you so plzzz answer me
or see a cycirastist ( that was for lexi collage ) but hey
bella why?
no i am not bella bxch i am madonaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
On your girlfriends page and Josie's there was a girl on the account named Courtney well she was going around acting like she was Josie and Ashton trying to break up with their partner but really it wasn't them it was Courtney and she was acting like she knew nothing about it and whatever so I just wanted to make sure that you know so that like if you get like a random text from what it seems like is Hanna saying she wants to talk it's not really her it's Courtney so I was kinda just looking out for you
Np after everything we went through I didn't want something like that to happen to you