Updates for August created by thedisneycontest'


Updates for August created by thedisneycontest'

7 1
awesome right??
Entered! Just in case you don't get it think of it as a metaphor. If you have any questions you can as me!
ok. I'm making sure I know it's you but I'm testing it! did you win my background for my phone contest?
I didn't know there was a winner yet sorry! Does it help that I know you used to be gymnastics girl?
who was the winner?
oh, and yes I was gymnastics girl. I Changed my user. but you won and hiphop4ever won the contest and you are correct I was gymnastics girl
Cool! What's the second contest?
I think it's gonna be painting some nails with quotes, pictures, and stuff from their team
That is so cool! I can't wait!
hey thedisneycontest I just wanted to let you know that another contest is up for liv12304games idk if that's how you spell it but whatever. 😂anyway please enter this contest its drawing a picture with you username written on it. we need points cause I'm kinda a competitive person. we have one point I earned right now so let's gooo😂
um.. what's liv12304games? I never joined
Harry Potter games on my page