Excuse me while I vent in the comments--


Excuse me while I vent in the comments--

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Leave me alone, let me like what I like, let me hate what I hate, let me be how I want to be, myself isn't a topic I curiously want to discuss with you, but it would be nice you even cared once about it, showed me something, like love, that'd be so nice, that's what a mother should do, or am I wrong? I do have you know that, and if bringing me to this world is enough for you, it isn't for me, I'm not asking you to be my friend, I'm asking you to be a loving mother. You feed me, but sometimes I want to starve to dead, sometimes we talk, but not about I want to talk about, you take care of me, but I'm not even a young adult and I already want to die, you harm me verbally and physically, I just want to be a good daughter for you.
Am I not enough already? I guess that's a no.
I'm nothing for you right "friend"? Of course not, that may be the reason you just replaced me after all the love I just showed you, what I have given to you, all the support I've given to you. Those compliments, were they just lies? All so I could shut up? Those hugs, did you give them to me because of pity? You never actually cared? You never did, did you? I'm just some extra weight on your back, huh? Are they better than me? Of course they are, they aren't boring, they aren't stupid, they aren't lazy, they aren't a waste of space, they aren't edgy, they don't cry all the time, they don't bother you.
I understand, goodbye then.
Sorry, I'm not girly, sorry, I'm an idiot, sorry, I'm mean, sorry, I cry too much, sorry, others have it worse than me, sorry, I'm not interesting, sorry, I'm not outgoing, sorry, I want to die, sorry, I'm such a bother.
youve gotta tell her this. maybe you have, multiple times, or maybe you haven't, but you need to let her know this. if u have, you have to make it clear to her. you have to get it through to her that you aren't feeling respected at all because it's super important. this may not seem like a good idea to you maybe, but I've been told many times by an adult that our parents care about us, even if they do things that make us feel that they would be better off without us. but you have to let her know this. in a letter, a speech, something. just some way to let her know you care about her and some way to tell her you don't think she doesn't really respect you.
//I think I'm d o n e--//
im so sorry about your mom , im really not good at advice but please stay alive, no im not just quoting Tyler Joseph, you really do need to stay alive because you have so much left to live for .
I'm sorry about your situation,please stay safe,you're a wonderful human and you deserve being loved and being happy (and much more than that)
if you need to vent,we're all here for you
oh gee I'm so sorry that's gotta suck do you have anyone you can talk to like an adult?? I want you to be okay cuz rn ur not okay and honestly some adults aren't bad and will help. I think maybe she's not taking you seriously in these conversations because maybe you're too young?? idk just a thought but I think talking to an adult could help you cuz they could maybe talk to ur mom if ur on board with that or just have them there with you during that conversation you have with her?
if you ever need to talk I'm sure dozens of us will be here to help, me included
i'm sorry your relationship with your mom isn't the best, that sucks and i'm so sorry. i volunteer to be your mom now💕 you can always come to me of you need to talk about anything
Woah man, calm down for a moment. I know it's hard to deal with mothers, I know, but maybe if you told her how you really feel things would change. I'm not trying to give her a get out of jail free card, I'm saying that maybe she's so stressed out with her own issues that she's too blind to see yours. Your mother loves you with all her heart, and she's trying her best to care for you but of course she could do better. Communication goes a long way. Make your mother hear you, don't give up and make her see it because you're important. Also, please don't give up on life, these problems are temporary and you have a bright future ahead of you, don't throw it all away!