have at it bxtches😗


have at it bxtches😗

7 2
remember the mirror
CLUE 1) Note that there is one lone 3 whilst all of the other characters are in sets of three. It may appear to be at the beginning, but remember the mirror.
For most sets of 3, you’ll only take one character from each set. Note that I said most. One of the sets you will be using all of the characters. Reminder that the whole code is a phrase using only letters. Other symbols may equal/represent a letter.
Also in the same set that you use all of the characters, there will be one character you use twice
Good luck and remember, with each clue I give time runs shorter. You will get the answer soon enough, but by then, you would of already experienced all of this. You will have seen the plans in action. You will have ran out of time.
o h n o
The first part of the phase has commenced.
Luckily, you will have a bit longer until the second part begins.
So here’s your clue....
CLUE 2) Put the code against a mirror first. Then pay special attention to the now last four characters. Find what word it resembles. You then have half of the code down.
is more at the end of it
Clue 3) Now that you got one part of the clue out of the way. You now will be taking one character from each sets of three (including the set of three you already used). Remember that you must flip it using the mirror.
everything is meant to make sense in a few weeks
it wasn’t supposed to be such a big deal right now
kaz brekkar energy