Oml I’m sorry,.,,, please don’t hate me


Oml I’m sorry,.,,, please don’t hate me

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I am going to delete her posts
I apologize
apologies apologies
ahhh tHANK YOU!! did you go and see the Love, Simon movie or did you read the book?
I don’t hate you...if it matters..
what the fūck is panadol
it hurts really bad
this is worse than the usual hunger pains
did I make you go on private?
I’m sorry
it’s not your fault
I’ll be fine
it’ll go away hopefully
I’m sorry
I don’t want to
I love you too
hey xx
I'm clingy sorry
AGREED!!! I don’t know if you are into reading, but if you are READ THE BOOK. Seriously it’s amazing I’ve read it 7 times 😂❤️
mmmmm me too i’m a mess
also, my dude, i’m here for you ❤️❤️
re//:I have a scar in my eyebrow and red spots and I don’t look like a boy of course I’m ugly
Ah thanks dude 👌
it's okay I understand but you are honestly gorgeous 💗
aDAM I exist too
dude please do. then let me know what you think :)
hEy Adam iF yOu seE thiS yOu aRe vAliD anD iLy alSo yOu aShtOn 🌚💗
re//:I loved the first two
Adam I miss you please come back
I hope you’re ok
re//:hahaha no ur not I’m the same you’re awesome
I know you’re not
you’re important to me
no you’re not