I'm so ugly


I'm so ugly

8 1
no your not your so pretty
baby ur beautiful.
ok whenever your on this account you all need to clearly put your name at the end of what your delaying so, we all know who said what and you can't act and lie about suicide. 😒 you ALL do my head in.
can you please take in what I said^ put your name on the end of the sentence so I know who it is.
if you don't you will probably say you were someone else and lie about it again. I'm just saving you all from the trouble
why did you delete my last comment
I found these pictures from the internet so they aren't you
please leave my baby girl alone
no ur beautiful stop doubting yourself
stop saying such RUDE things about people, even if she was faking it which she is not u would never say that to her face! social media is a place where people like you make hate pages and cower behind a screen telling people they are not good enough. just be happy and try to help her not kill her
gorgie no matter what I could never hate u. ur the love of my life and NOTHING will change that. I promise baby. I love you
don't ever think I hate u ok?
no. you are absolutely beautiful and amazing
you e pretty