Collage by stars_xoxo


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awwwww thnx so much I was glad to help. don't worry about what u have because I actually had that when I was 11. I felt like the world was against me and shouted at my family self-consciously. I was so competitive I would scold myself if I didn't come top in lessons, sport or games. I had to be the best at everything. I remember once sitting on the playground with my friends and taking someone's crisp without asking automatically. it was like I couldn't control myself - the friend got really really mad and everyone went against me. I was all alone. I remember feeling so terrified and every little thing that happened felt like a big thing so I acted out all the time. my parents soon realised what was going on so they MADE me see a homeopath. it wasn't my option and I was mad that they thought I needed to see one but it did make me better and I'm thanking them today. I think u should stand up to your fears and don't let them win. everything will be ok in the end. please stay strong honey💕💕💕thnx so much for all your help and it means a lot that it was me u told your fears to💜💜💜
that sounds a lot like me! its not like a choice tho like you are saying... its like... an addiction maybe?? i dont know. but every little thing i do. even if i forget to use soap when i wash my hands. i just get so angry with myself and i dont know why. i feel like everyone is better than me and i need to step it up or someone is going to come and kill me. i know i dont have to be normal, but my mind tells me i do to survive. and i dont know why. then i start crying until i run out of tears😔 thank you so much💕 you are so kind✨ please try to stop cutting... for me. i know sometimes your mind can make you do stuff you dont want to but i know you can fight. you stay strong as well and maybe it will get better for the both of us🌹🌸