How do you get a boy to stop liking you as gf, but still be his best friend? I need to know asap


How do you get a boy to stop liking you as gf, but still be his best friend? I need to know asap

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help me!
Probably just try to ignore him. I'M TOTALLY KIDDING😂 I think maybe letting him know, as best friends you should tell each other the truth. So I think just telling him you just want to be friends, it might take a while for him but he'll get around! Hope this helps xox ~ ForeverJ
omg thanks so much that's ur probably right anyway well thx a bunch
well Maybe ask him to go somewhere with you and have a long talk about it Sorry not that good advice
it's pretty good I'll find a way to mix up both
Oh and you could just stop talking girlfriendly like and just talk about school and stuff you will be friends without him getting mad
ahh thanks
But I KNOW there BOTH bad!
that's actually pretty clever