hey dweebs what is crackalacking 🕵


hey dweebs what is crackalacking 🕵

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amazing!! i love it😊😘
love dis🔥💯 and, nothing, because i'm a loser✌🏻️
This is PERFECTION!💞🙌😍
dat's cwool, m8:) i have a presentation in my world studies class i'm totally unprepared for😂👎🏻
this looks amazing, that's what's crackalacking. ☀️✨🍑
allow me to educate you, fren: world studies is kind of like a review of the entire world's history (hence the name), from ancient people to present day🌎 i have to take it in my first year of high school (i have to take a bunch of other history courses before i graduate)👎🏻✔️
i am re-arranging my account m8
i was bored of the old one 🔥
probably going to do a simple theme, ohhh 🍑
idk tbh, any ideas?
awe—that doesn't sound fun:( i have to take two american history courses, and then one of my choice for my last year✨
oh, and i likezz the icon✔️ mine's of me, trying to be artsy, but failing✌🏻️
yus yus, pastul is gud ✨
only three more years to go after this one, and then i can go to college and learn whatever job i hopefully will have😂💕
merp—you british hoomans sound so cwool, and i'm over here in america like: *drools* * drags knuckles*
technically you can drop out of high school at 16, but then you have no life😂 once you graduate high school, you apply to a college that has a strong program in what you're looking for; once you get in, you study whatever you major in (what skill/s you need for what you wanna be), and when you graduate after four years, you get a degree that says you have the skills to do the job you want—you apply for a job, and then: yay, you are successful american hooman:) oh, and, i wanna be an author:)
XD oh, and, what's an apprenticeship? we doesn't has dat cuz we simple american who no life good✔️
oh, and, probably stupid question: are you guys still mad about the whole 'revolutionary war thing'? i feel like british people hate us because of that😂😂 i sound like, ten years old, but, i'm so curious😂😂😂
um, realistic-fiction, short stories, etc💕✔️
oh, that's what we call when america split from britain and became it's own country instead of it's colonies✌🏻️🌎
yez, one does wattpad (@datfoodie)
okay, good—scary british hoomans won't tax me if i visit😂
lol, and yeah—americans are pretty darn shameless😂👍🏻
and, americans are the definition of lazy😂 is it bad that i imagine all english people wearing fancy clothes, drinking tea, and talking in upper-crusty accents?😂😂
I "sleeping" yet I got to go to school. And WOWZA. This is beautiful.
beautiful, everything you make is so amazing😍🌸💖😱
THIS IS UNCLONABLE (is that a word?)
and thank you😊it means a lot💕