Kade- -walks away,smoking a cigarette-


Kade- -walks away,smoking a cigarette-

9 6
(hehe Jay X Kade)
( jade or kay?)
( ok kay)
*start the rp*. kade- -walking to school texting online friend- hey
Jay:*Also walking to school*~Hey!(her online name is Wyvi)Going to my first day at a new school... I'm really nervous...
kade- ~me to..im nervous..but im kinda not ( his is FC -EVILY LAUGHS)
(THEN HER IS SHU)Jay:~Heh, yeah... but I bet you'll make friends quickly. You're so nice! :3 *Reaches the school*
( YEA)
kade- i dont know about that....~ i guess (^.^)
(HAHAKWLWKAOSKSOWNEIWNWKSJEIWJWIWJWOQKPDWMWKJEIWJE)Jay:~Gotta go, I've got to go through the crazy lines to get my schedule. talk to you later!
kade- ~see ya shu... -sighs and opens the door to school-
Jay:*Sighs, and opens the door as well, and walks inside quietly*
kade- -wallks to the principals office- -knocks on door- mr.p ( that stands for principle)- come in
Jay:*Gets schedule, and looks through her classes* Werewolf class...? But I'm not a werewolf! weird... *Walks to her first hour, art*
kade- im here for my schedule..? mr.P- oh yes...you have 6 periods and here you go.. kade- thanks...-walks out- werewolf class....hm...-walks to first class,history-
Jay:*Sits doen in art*...
kade- -class in the class and sits in the back,ignoring the teacher and is in thoughts-
kade- -walks in class and everyone look at me- ( dãmn i forgot the teacher name)
teacher- ah...your the new student correct. kade- yea..-looks at the girl and smirks- -laughs to self quietly- teacher- well..sit down please... kade- ok..-sits down in the back-
Jay:*Walks up to the teacher* U-Um, I think I'm in the wrong class.
(cant reply as fast, making food for family)
( omg...my fren just walked in my house like nothing...she scared me so bad). teacher- no...your jayce eight?
(child where be?)
( soorrrryyyyy). teacher- well ok then...sit down over there -points by kade- kade- -looks at her and rolls eyes-...
(is okie)Jay:Okay... *Walks over, and sits by him* Um... hi... I'm Jay... (WE NEED A WEREWOLF TO GET THROWN OUT THE WINDOW)
(question, do you plan on making a file for Zack or no?)
(alpha where u be)
( i got this..). kade- look...i know you dont like me...and i dont like you....so just act like we dont know each ok?..-sighs and puts head down- *at the end of class*
Jay:Jeez. Sorry...
(why you keep disappearing?)
( sorry....). kade- -walks out of class- wolf boy- hey! omega! kade- hm?...-looks over at him-what do you want
(is okie)Jay:*Walking out of class, stops and stays behind the corner, listening*
dan- since your the new omega...everyones saying...you now work for us kade- -chuckles- wow ok...says who. dan- the alpha... kade- and im guessing your the alpha. dan- dãmn right i am..(*plays "its going down for real"song*)
Jay:*Peeks head around the corner slightly, just enough so she can see what's going on*
kade- or what?..you gonna punk like the rest of the lower ranks? dan- no...im gonna do worse...-punches him- kade- -grabs his fist and swings him through the window,shattering it- now..anyone else? other wolfs- -running and whine- teacher- mr.kade!!...detention for the rest of the week!! lade- pfft i dont care...-walks away-
Jay:*Eyes widen, and runs over* You just!!... You just tossed him out a window! What the heck?! (I WATCHED APHMAUS NEW EMERALD SECRET... I WAS LEGIT CRYING WITHIN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES)
( SHUT UP.....SHUSH....)
kade- so what?...he's alive..thats what matters right? -walks away-
(DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHETHER AARON IS ALIVE OR NOT)Jay:*Yells after him* Still! You shouldn't just... throw people out of windows!
-everyone looks at her likes shes crazy- kade- -walking away-...
(IMSORRYIHAVENTEVENFINISHEDTHEEPISODEANDJUSTSCREEECH)Jay:*Sighs* Whatever... *Walks to her next class* (we need a Garroth, and a Laurence, and a Travis... hehe, jk)
( SHUT UP...and okei) ( oml...). *at lunch*. kade- -outside spray painting the school wall-
Jay:*Walks outside, sees him* SERIOUSLY? You're just... Why?!?!
kade- why are you following me....go away fly....-continues to spray paint the word "graffiti"-
Jay:exCUSE me? I'm not a fly. Not even close. And I'm not following you, I came outside to eat my lunch.
kade- then why are you talkin to me...shoo fly...( lol...shoo fly...)
Jay:*Mutters*~Just because I have wings, doesn't mean I'm a fly...
kade- -hears hey but say anything- why are you still standing there....
( i legit look at her bio page again...whats a tenshioné)
(a random race that I created, and that's for me to know and you to FIND OUT LATER IN LE ROLEPLAY)Jay:*Sighs, and shakes her head* You shouldn't just... spraypaint stuff... or throw people out windows... ever!
kade- -spray her hand- oops...i just did...-smirks-
(nope)Jay:Y'know what? I just... really don't care. *Freakin annoyed slightly, not by the paint, but by the stupid smirk on his face*
( plz)
kade- ok...and nice åss...-chcukles and goes back to spray painting- ( oh my gød...-signs and throws a knife at the wall-)
(three of my friends have literally decided I'm Aphmau, one of them is Kawaii~Chan, Mythic is Katelyn, one of them is Teony, and we've just been doing that. WHY IS THIS MY LIFE)
( people say i look like aphmau...thats why they call me AJ (aphmau junior) and zendaya when she was younger.......)
Jay:*Turns around slowly* If you ever say ANYTHING even remotely close to that about me again, I will destroy you.
kade- good for you
(people just say I'm Aphmau because my personality(at school) is similar to hers, and I have a similar friend group)
(I have blond hair and gray eyes, I look nothing like Aph)
Jay:*Gives him an ice cold glare, then turns around and walks away*
( i have black/brown hair,brown/black eyes and love minecraft :3)
kade- hm...-continues to do graffiti-
(i like minecraft)Jay:*Takes out her phone and texts FC*~Hey FC. How's school going?
( yeee). kade- ~fine...its just pretty boring
Jay:~I got put in a class that I wasn't supposed to. It was kinda weird...
kade-~ heh...what was it like
Jay:~Well, kinda... odd. I didn't have much to do... did Anything weird happen to you?
kade- no... ot really...just some annoying jerk trying to mess with me...i really wish i could see you shu,...
Jay:~Whoever they are, they shouldn't mess with you... and I wish I could see you too FC... (TJE FEELLLLLLLZZZZZZ)
( lol). kade~ heh...see you ttyl shu..i got to go
Jay:~Ttyl. bye FC. :3 *Walks to her next class, putting her phone in her pocket*
kade- -walks to science- -sighs-
Jay:*Walks to... also science*
kade- -sits in the back- -sighs and sees her walk in and groans-
( i gtg bai)
(bai)Jay:*Also sits in the back, at the opposite end of the room*
kade- -goances at her and smirks- hm..-roll eyes-
Jay:*Takes out headphones, and listens to music*
kade- - is on phone- ~hey shu you there?..
Jay:*Her phone is currently off, so she won't get the text until later*
kade- hm.... -bell rings- -sighs and gets up-
Jay:*Takes out her phone, seeing a text, and replies*~Sorry for not replying, I had my phone off... what's up?
kade- ~nothing much...iust bored...so im texting you 🙃
Jay:~K. The school day's almost over... finally! :3
( sorry...doing math work....)
kade- ~yea...heh
(it's okie lel)Jay:~So..l made any new friends...? *Doesn't realize there's a person sneaking up behind her*
kade-~nope....i got detention though...
Jay:~I think I did too... I was really late to class...
kade-~ i just got someone hurt
Jay:~Oh... That's not good... well, hopefully they're okay. Are you okay too...? *Walkin to detention*
kade- ~ yea.. -bumps into her and phone drops and cracks- gah!..
Jay:*almost falls backward, and catches his phone* S-Sorry! *Hands it to him* ...
kãdè- -snãtchės ît- tçh...-wãlks în-
Jay:*Also walks in, sitting near the back* (WHERE JEFFERY)
Jeffery- hello welcome to detention...please take your seats. kade-eh...-sits down- jeffery- -looks at jay and smiles- hi im jeffery
Jay:Hi, I'm Jay... *Smiles*
(i was jokin about jeffery, but okie)
( eh)
jeffery- well im here to fill in for the teacher...he will be back tomorrow...so please take a seat..
Jay:K... *Sits down* Um, am I allowed to be on my phone...?
jeffery- yes..i wont tell..-smiles and puts a finger to his mouth and walks away-
kade- hm....
(THERES A GUY IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT STARING AT ME AND IT'S SO CREEPY HE'S IN A MINIVAN)Jay:*Smiles* Thanks! *Takes out her phone, and turns off text tones, then texts FC* ~hey
(. white one!?)
kade- ~ hey..in detention...
Jay:~Heh, same...
( oh šht...no..run...go..just dont go by it...those are kid nappers..)
kade- ~its pretty boring.....
(I'm not I can just see it from the window... this guy is just sitting there, and every so often he'll turn and look at the open door)
Jay:~Yeah... they let me be on my phones though, that was a surprise.
( so he is staring at you specifically?)
kade- ~me to....
(I'm the closest to the door, and the only one he can see from there, so yeah)
( are you sure..)
(I'll send you a pic of this)
( I CANT SEE PICS...wait...yea do that...i will look at it on my kindle)
(it's blurry, since it's on my iPad)
Jay:~So, uh, what's up other than being in detention?
kade-~life XD
kade- -smiles- ~ yea...but life is so boring...so is detention
Jay:~Yeah... I'm glad my detention is almost over...
kade-~ heh...i have it for the rest of the week xp
Jay:~Ouch... that's gonna be boring. But you can always text me, so you won't be as bored! :3
kade~ thanks i guess xd -bell ringz-finally...~ detentions over..well..i will talk to you later
Jay:~See ya. *Stands up, and walks out of the room* (r we gonna do the thing with them finding out who is who in the music room?)
( WHY ARE YOU READING MY MIND....). kade- -walks into the music room and closes door- -grabs a guitar and plays a note-
Jay:*Hears, and smiles slightly* Whoever's playing is really good... (but aph was crying WE NEED A REASON FOR JAY TO CRY SO THIS MAKES SENSE IM SORRY)
( hm..how about she heard her pet died.....Xd)
kade- -plays fasters fast acoustic-
(WAIT. a guy likes her, but she doesn't know how to respond)
Jay:*Smiles* Wow...
( yeaaaa) faster car*
garoth- hey jay...-smiles-
(oh lel I was gonna be Garroth, but, this works, so ty!)Jay:*Looks over* H-Hey...
( eh ... you do it..im already three characters)
Garroth:Just wanted to say... I really like you... Jay:*Eyes widen, blooshes slightly* U-Uh... Garroth:I know... a bit awkward.... but it's true... Just wanted to tell you... so.... see ya... *Walks away* Jay:*Stands there* W-Wha...?
kade- -plays and fast song and smiles- heh...
Jay:*kinda freaking out, unsure of how to react, so she quickly walks into the music room, and leans against the door, taking out her phone*~FC... I need someone to talk to.... you there?
kade- hm? -texts her- ~hey...whats wrong?
Jay:~This guy... he said he liked me.... but I don't know what to say, because I'm not sure if I like him back... I don't know...
*ding*. kade- is that MY phone? -looks around- ~well...DO you like him?..
Jay:~*Hears another sound, but not from her phone*~I don't know... that's the problem... *Thinks to self*-Weird... that must be my phone... I guess?
*ding* kade- what the hēll......-eyes widen- ~shu....are by a door.....
Jay:~Yeah...? Why?...
kade-~does the door say..."music"....
Jay:*Eyes widen*~Yes... so that means... FC...? No.... this has to be a coincidence... it's impossible that we go to the same school...
kade- ~ im gonna knock..ok?...tell me if you hear it-knocks three times-
Jay:~I heard it... this is some sick joke' right? this can't be possible...
kade- ~shu...-open the door and eyes widen-
Jay:*Eyes widen* N-No... t-this isn't real... y-you can't be FC!
kade- j-kjay?...
Jay:*Shakes head* No... I c-can't... I can't do this! *Turns to leave*
kade- hey wait! -grabs her wrist- i didnt know it was you...i was in love with shu..i didnt know..you were shu..heh...i guess i feel like an idiot...im sorry..please
Jay:And I loved FC... but... *Stares at the ground* Y-You can't be FC... I-I know y-you hate me...
kade-i hated you because. didnt know you were shu...
Jay:So if I weren't Shu, you'd still hate me...
kade- well...the truth is...i mess with you because...i like you....-blushes slightly -
Jay:*blushes slightly* Y-you do...? *looks up at him*
kade- jay..i love you...-blushing slightly-
Jay:...*Hugs him*
(im going back and watching PDH)
kade- -hugs back- my stupid potato....-chuckles-
Jay:Hey! I'm not a potato!... *Sounds slightly annoyed, but not really*
kade- yes you are...-looks down at her- short potato..
Jay:Nope! Not a potato! *Crosses arms*
kade- your..short...-smiles-
Jay:Maybe I'm not short, and you're just freakishly tall... *Smiles, looking up at him*
kade- why thank you i take that as a compliment... wolf girl- -peeking around a corner- the alpha and omega!?...whoaa..-runs off-
Jay:Still... just because I'm short, doesn't mean I'm a potato!
kade- po...ta...to...
Jay:Shush... I ain't no potato... I'm Jay, the semi-normal person.
(and I became friends with someone because of manga)
kade- nope...-bell rings- see ya..potato..-walks away-
( did it growl..did it walk towards you...did it have more wolf friends...DID YOU TAKE A PIC?!?!?!?!)
(NO IT DIDNT GROWL BUT IT WALKED TOWARD ME and there was one other wolf. AND NO I DIDNT I DIDNT HAVE MY IPAD)Jay:See ya FC. *Walks away as well, heading home*
( UUUGHH...YOU SHOULD OF SLOWLY WALKED TOWARDS IT...IT WAS TRYIG TO GET YOUR SCENT). kade- -smiles-..well....i met shu today...heh
(*adds this to the list of reasons I'm a werewolf* YES I HAVE A LIST, ONE OF MY FRIENDS MADE A MENTAL LIST.)
Jay:I met FC... that didn't go how I expected it to... but still... I really care about him...(Boi this was at the zoo, they'dve screamed at me)
(*murders Ein for being a JERK*)
(frick gotta go to sleep)
(talk to ya in the mornin boi)
( YEAH...)
kade- heh...-sits in class and sighs-
(don't frikin judge me boi -_- moihoi)Jay:*Walkin*
( no one was judging....). kade- -thinks about shu-....how is that even possible..
(lel, i know. sorry for not replying, I been workin on an edit)Jay:*walking home*
kade- and seriously...-disappears-..
Jay:Weird how FC turned out to be him... I thought he hated me... but I was wrong...
kade-...this is so wierd...-walking-
(go listen to Running With the Wolves nightcore it describes Mystreet Emerald Secret perfectly)Jay:*Reaches her house, and walks upstairs, and gets on her computer*
kade- -is now in room-...-opens laptop-
Jay:*Loads up that one game they play together*
kade- -has headset on- shu you there?..-playing game-
Jay:*Puts her CAT EAR headset on*Yep! *Plays game*
kade- heh..cool...-smiles-
Jay:*Smiles as well* So, what you up to?
kade- playing with you
Jay:Well, yeah... hey, wanna go on a quest or something?
kade- hm..sure
Jay:You okay...? You seem quieter than usual... I hope this isn't about the thing at school... if it is, I'm sorry...
kade- n-no its nothing...( ITS SOMETHING ABOUTTTT....*DRUM ROLL* PROMmmm)
Jay:(wait r we doin somethin like with the ultima werewolf? like if he bites or makes eye contact with them when his eyes are a certain color, then they either turn into a demon or a werewolf or somethin?)You're lying, but I can tell you don't want to say anything, but that's okay. if you want to talk about it, I'll always be here.
kade- ok...(with who)
(oops, meant to put someone)*TOIM SKIOP*
( um....i guess???????????????). kade- -yawns- hey...im going to sleep...see you tomorrow
(just an idea, you can say no if you want, I won't be offended. )Jay:See ya... *Yawns, closes eyes, then falls asleep*
kade- -smiles- night...-takes head set off and lays down,falling sleep-
(sorry... i'm being a bit controlling of the roleplay, I'll try not to do that)Jay:*asleep quietly*
*time skip*. kade- -at locker-
Jay:*Also at her locker, and getting her stuff*
kade- -smiles at her- hey potato
Jay:I'm not a potato! And you know that. *Looks at him smiling slightly*
kade-how do you know that i know???? -smiling-
Jay:Because! I just somehow know, I guess!
kade- -laughs-
Jay:*laughs slightly as well*
*bell rings*kade- see you at lunch..-walks off-
Jay:See ya... *Walks to class*
kade- -sits in class and sighs-...this is so. boring....
Jay:*almost falls asleep in class* ...
*ringssss*. kade- -is now at lunch-
Jay:*Also at lunch, and sits next to Kade* Hey!
kade- sup
Jay:The sky.
kade- i said sup not whats up...-chuckles-
Jay:True... *Smiles*
kade- yea..so..whats up
Jay:Well, my mom was ranting about not dating boys this morning... never get on her bad side... that's a really bad idea...
kade- well...we are just friends...unless you wanna be more~ -smiles and winks-
Jay:*Eyes widen, and blushes bright pink* u-uh...
kade- -laughs-
Jay:Were you joking or did you mean that!?... *blushin*
kade- i dont know...which one do you want me to pick?~ -smiles mischievously at her-
Jay:*crosses arms, and blushes* I DON'T KNOW!...
kade- then i will pick for you~...-lifts her chin and slowly comes closer,smirking-
Jay:*eyes widen* U-umm... *blushes bright pink* ...
kade- -laughs and backs away laughing hard- you should've seen your face..!
Jay:*blushing* That wasn't funny...
kade- your right...it is was hilarious
Jay:No... but this is. *Kisses him on le cheek* (SHIP)
kade- -face turns bright pink- ok that was no fair
Jay:Maybe not. But it was funny. *Laughs a little bit*
kade- shut up..
Jay:nah... *smiles at him*
kade- -smiles- whatever
Jay:You're not... actually mad though... right?...
kade- for what
Jay:Me kissing you on the cheek.
kade- why would i be...i would do the same...but i would kiss you somewhere else besides the cheek~ -winks- ( bleeeeeh)
Jay:*bloosh* (*hands ya a glass o bleach* here ya go)
( why thank you...-drink it-). kade- -chuckles-
(*drinks my own glass*)Jay:*stares at the ground*...
kade- -smiles and hears the bell ring- -stands up- yes...i can be a perv at times..-smirks- see ya..-walks off to detention-
Jay:Yeah, Yeah you can! *blushin, but doesn't sound actually annoyed, and she walks off to her next class*
*time skip*. kade- -closes locker and walks home-
Jay:*Walks toward her house*
kade- -sees her and smiles,appears in her room-..wow...
Jay:*Reaches her house, and walks upstairs, setting her backpack down, not yet noticing Kade*
kade- -watching her,resting elbows on legs smiling-
Jay:*Looks up and sees him, and literally almost falls backward* K-Kade?! What the...?!
kade- oh NOW you notice me....hi
Jay:Uh... h-hi? How'd you even get in here? My mom'll kill you!
Jay's mom:*Knocks on the door* Jayce, you in there? Jay:*Eyes widen, and whispers*~Hide. Now.
kade- -turns invisible-
Jay's mom:*Walks in* I swear I heard you talking to someone. and they sounded like a boy. Jay:Nope! No boys here! *Laughs nervously*
(gtg to slep. gnoight!)
kade- -sniffles a laugh-,....
Jay's mom:What was that? Jay:N-nothing!
Jay's mom:Hm... *Walks out of the room, closing the door and walking back downstairs* Jay:*Sighs* K...
kade- -laughs- oh wow...
Jay:*whispers*~If she knows you're here, she will probably destroy you... just saying...
kde- or not
Jay:You don't know my mom... she's hated boys since I was in fifth grade.
kade- why
Jay:I don't really know. But I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend, not allowed to have a friend who's a boy, nothing.
kade- but does she know FC is a boy...does she even know FC
kade- oh ok..-gets off her bed and trips- *THUD*. ugh...that hurt
Jay:You okay...? *Holds out a hand to help him up*
kade- im fine...-stands up- hope i wasnt to loud..
Jay's mom:*Opens the door and sees Kade, instantly glaring at him* YOU. Jay:MOM, DON'T.
kade- guess i was.....
kade- ok..-just out the window-
Jay's mom:*Literally jumps after, sprinting toward Kade* YOU WILL NEVER, EVER BE ANYWHERE NEAR THIS HOUSE AGAIN, GOT THAT?!
kade- -smirks and stops in front of her-
Jay's mom:*Glares at him* ..?
kade- why do you hate me so much
Jay's mom:I don't specificaly hate you, I hate all boys that may try to date my daughter.
kade- now...who says i was trying to date her?
Jay's mom:I said MAY. And I particularly dislike boys randomly appearing in my home!
kade- ok..so...why do you hate boys..
Jay's mom:I have my reasons. Jay:*Appears by her mom* MOM, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!
kade- but why..
Jay's mom:Because. She'll decide she loves one boy, and then that boy will be taking my daughter away from me. Jay:*Sighs* Mom, that'll never happen... you'll always be my mom...
kade- the one boy cant take her away from you...she will always be your daughter
Jay's mom:I suppose... Jay:*Rolls eyes* Mom, I'll always be here.
kade- so .....i guess i will be going now
Jay's mom:No, you can stay... as long as you don't kiss my daughter or anything.
kade- -thinks in mind- ~ well cany make any promises~. ok
Jay's mom:... Jay:K!
kade- -smiles and me and jay appear in her room-
Jay's mom:*Walks back to le house* Jay:So... yeah.... that was my mom...
kade- she is pretty nice...
kade- heh...yea
Jay:So, what do you wanna do? Watch a movie or something?
kade- sure
Jay:K, what movie?
kade- i dont really care..
Jay:Hmm... I have an idea... *Takes a movie off a shelf and puts it in the DVD player, then plays the movie* BAM FAIRY TAIL
kade- its a movie?( ITS A MOVIE!?!!!?!?!?!)
Jay:*Smiles, and a bowl of popcorn appears in her hand, and she holds it out* Want some? (IDK)
kaidaun- -takes a few and throws ît ûp în thè air and catches it mouth-
Jay:*stares at him blankly* How even.
( I MEANT KADE.....)
(i figured)
(oh okie). kade- what....
kade- -smiles-
Jay:*smiles back*
kade- -watches the movie-
*toim skiop*
kade- -asleep by jay on a pillow-
Jay:*leaning her head on his shoulder, asleep*
*time skip*. kade-...-opens eyes-....-yawns-
Jay:*still asleep, looking very peaceful*
kade- -smiles-...
Jay's mom:*Walks in* You should probably go home. Your parents will be worried.
kade- -sits up- i dont have parents
Jay's mom:What do you mean...?
kade-.....their dead...
Jay's mom:Oh... I'm very sorry for bringing it up... Jay:*eyes open* gmornin...
kade- its fine......hey
Jay:was goin' on...? *sounds tired*
Kade- I was just leaving..-smiles but its fake-..I will see you at school....-walks past them-
Jay:Okay... see ya later then... *yawns, unable to tell he's fake smiling*
kade- -is now at school in new clothes,spray painting a wall-....
Jay:*Walks into the school, listening to music*
kade- my parents...my fault....
Jay:*Texts Kade*~Hey! What's up?
kade- ~the sky..
Jay:~Hehe, yeah... so how ya doing?
kade-~ spray painting. wall
Jay:~Hmm... why?
kade-~ cuz i can
Jay:~I don't really support graffiti, but, it's not my choice to make. But it looks cool.
kade- ~ ok...
Kade- -sighs and puts phone away,continues to paint the wall*
Jay:*Sighs* What did I do...?
Kade- ...parents.....
Jay:*stares down at the ground*...
Kade- -sighs and walks to class-
Jay:*texts him*~I'm sorry...
Kade- ~for what
Jay:~being... unhelpful, and rude....
Kade- oh..ok
Jay:~heh... I gotta go to class now... ttyl
Kade- ~~bye.. *puts phone in pocket and walks in library and his phone drops by the door*
Jay:*walks to her next class*
Kade- -typing something , like a code and information- ???- hm?...-sees them phone and picks it up-..weird..-walks off, bumping into jay- (I used jayce's name in my book..on wattpad..)
(lol)Jay:*stumbles backward* Wagh! I-I'm so sorry! Are y-you okay?
???- u-um yea...are you? *he rubs his head and opens his grey eyes, looking at her* ( *cough* ein boi *cough*)
(JAY FRICKIN DON'T FALL IN LOVE)Jay:Y-Yeah. *blooshes slightly* (jay why u do dis)
(Lolololol) Ein- well nice to meet you I guess ...I'm Ein *smiles, dimples showing*
Jay:*thinks*~he's adorable! *smiles back* I-I'm Jay. Nice to meet you!
*bell rings* kade- *walking and sighs, sees them and eyes widen*.... Ein- heh ...u-um..*looks at kade, which kade is giving him a death glare* *whimpers* i-i gotta go...bye jay..! *runs off* kade- hm....
Jay:U-Uh, okay. See ya! *spots Kade, and waves slightly*
Kade-*walls away to class where jay i have together*
Jay:*walks to that very same class*
Kade- *sits by jays desk where he sits and just puts his head down*
Jay:*sits down beside him* Kade...?
Kade- what
Jay:You okay..? you seem a bit off today...
Kade- I fine, Leave me alone
Jay:*opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it and starts doing her work*
Kade- *is on phone under desk* *sighs and looks up something with spray paint*
Jay:*yawns slightly, and continues doing her work, almost asleep*
Kade- *looks at her and smirks, texts her 'wake up shu' about 12 times*
Jay:*phone vibrates in her pocket, and she takes it out, looking at all the texts, then texts back*~I wasn't asleep...
Kade- ~well ste
Stay awake*
Teacher- jay, kade. Phones now.
Jay:*mumbles something under her breath, then holds her phone out* Sorry...
Kade- *smirks and gives him a fake iPhone* ... Teacher- thank you.. And you two get detention for interrupting my class. Kade- ugh..
Jay:*sighs* ... *thinks*-not the first time I've had detention...
Kade- whatever....*bells ring and kade walks in the hallway out the school since its lover, not bothering to go to detention*