Collage by _irreality


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fruit loops dumb ahh😂❤️
don’t yell at me! Your being a terrible best friend, my fiancé is dying and your making jokes! *starts crying* Where’s my Delilah 😭
yayyy -smiles and takes your hand-
your being one
-steps out- also may I just say you are looking 😍😍 in your pic
haha -walks along side you- I love Halloween
but I hate clowns. they’re a no no
fine i won’t be!!
some best friend you are!!
Joel’s dying & Mikey keeps trying to make moves. And your being a terrible best friend
How’s Joel!?
why..? What tf did i do this time
hey baby 😊
you ok? I kinda know about some of the drama^
mads is kinda in a weird spot rn
what do you mean?
really...? I mean you can tell me anything Noah
nah it’s all good what’s up?
nowhbear i know i called you a dxck...but you were making jokes and i didn’t find them funny, i actually found them hurtful. But i need you & i know you need me..I love you best friend
we just thought you should know that Mads is trying to kill herself and she’s pushed everyone away and we can’t stop her.....//All
*cries even harder* h-he WHAT!???
cries* no!! this can’t be happening to me
t-tell him i love him. b-bye bestie