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Hope you lovelies like this!!!! 


💖Click here❤️ Hope you lovelies like this!!!! 💜-bella_raelynn-💜

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hey bell, didn't realize how late it was... I forgot to text u.. are you still awake???
hey, and yea I am lol
ok hey lol
ur BF and my BF are chillin together 😂😂😏😏😘😘
yea ik lol and he isn't my bf lol so what's up
lol ik and just laying in bed texting wbu
coooool who ya texting and nm just hanging out at home
what's ur fav pic of us?
that's fun lol and idk why?
ONE of my favs is the one we took on that stool in your backyard and we are looking up at your mom
so... ig goodnight? I'll text you tomorrow
oh yeah and SORRYYYYYY I forgot to check if u said anythingnack
and for a college lol
aka my wallpaper lol
r u going to bed
wowwwwwww that's mean lol and oh ok, and no I just said that because I knew you were probably TOO BUSY texting your fat bf lol
ok goodnight again
no lol I wasn't I just made a collage lol
mmmmmhm lol
so wrud
laying down🤑 lol wbu
same lol
can you ask Trent if he still hates me
yes and no and sorry I didn't text
oh ok, lol
it's fine and ok
ok lol
so wwta
I'll talk to you tomorrow, night luv ya ❤️
night bell I love u too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sweet dreams❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️