Yay weird story time
So I'm kinda sick today, and during one of my last periods of school I set my backpack down on his small shelf thing, and then I feel a little dizzy and start to fall. I didn't actually hit the ground because I was quickly able to sup


Yay weird story time So I'm kinda sick today, and during one of my last periods of school I set my backpack down on his small shelf thing, and then I feel a little dizzy and start to fall. I didn't actually hit the ground because I was quickly able to sup

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(full caption) Yay weird story time So I'm kinda sick today, and during one of my last periods of school I set my backpack down on his small shelf thing, and then I feel a little dizzy and start to fall. I didn't actually hit the ground because I was quickly able to support myself, but it was really odd because my knees weren't locked (for more than a few minutes at most) and I was standing tall and normally, and there was nothing to make me fall...so?? I'm kinda worried