Everybody do it


Everybody do it

84 21
I like dogs
I hate cats
I talk to myself
I love tackling
I broke my wrist rolling over
i can lick mu toe
I am double jointed.
I have a scar on my eyebrow and my chin
I like Brussel sprouts
I like the you tuber may baby sorry it's not too weird couldn't think of anything
oh, I'm double jointed
I'm double jointed
my favorite animal is a pig
I can turn my feet almost all the way back
I can pop out my thumb
I dance out of nowhere sometimes 😳I'm so weird
I am awesome
I'm not doing rest its dumb
I love your hair
I like to think of me
I kick a soccer ball with my toes but when I was in defense I kicked it in the goal with my toes
I watch mlp