
I’m deciding to change the theme sorry it’s so soon..  BUT it’s actually two new themes... It’s going to be: sorta sad or rlly sad..,. And SPRING!


❣️Tap❣️ I’m deciding to change the theme sorry it’s so soon.. BUT it’s actually two new themes... It’s going to be: sorta sad or rlly sad..,. And SPRING!

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continue from caption: Have a great night!
there is 3 rounds but this is round one so just one collage
I’ll give you the password ONLY
if you ignore Razz please I hate her
just don’t talk to Razz
first remix her and tell her you hate her
I’m going to look on all her remix and post
and if you say I’m only pretending I’ll hack
u again
you have to ignore her for a day
and then I’ll give u the pass tomorrow
andddd you have to ignore her forever