Do u think I'm cheating on my fiancée???☺️


Do u think I'm cheating on my fiancée???☺️

10 1
I'm 15 actually and yeh I am
wow ur mean and wait till Shelbs sees this
yeh I do know her if ur gonna give hate then ill block u
I'm not lying u want proof?
nope actually where she asked me
what is
ok ok come down
I am engaged I've had parents consent
u can't make me
why u don't want anything to do with me
y should I apologise to u
o ok yea they Brock up
thanks babes
yea I am sorry that they did
whats foing on
no about them blacking up
your girlfriend asked for my help
she's not my girlfriend
ok then who is
my girlfriend is on -galaxy_girls- and my gf tried
my girlfriend jumped off a fûcking roof
yall need to leave my bestie alone if she ain't doing nothin wrong too all
thanks bestie 💕
I am going to lose my friend can u all stop plzzz
I didn't loose her she was saved
yw let mhe knw if they still messin wit Yhuu and then it's gone be worst
why should I apologise
I talked to Steven and he said it wasn't my fault
thanks babes
I am done with with sh**
so am I why is my arm covered in blood
and it was not her fault Hannah said he was mad at his gf
yeh so I swear if someone blames me one more time
hey I need your help with your friend she will not text me
*hugs u 2* night
oh stop being so big headed
yeh coz I ain't done owt
sure I am thanks for the compliment
thanks babes
thank u
hey I do not know how to get he to talk can u try
night court lyl xx
Beth we WERE friends
do I care
wow this is still going on 😉😁😏
Billie isn't here
look on the page- Nathan
because she collapsed and she has cut her arm deep- Nathan
why would she do that
because of all this
yeh my mum does come on sometimes-Nathan
she hasn't lied about being engaged I was there when Shelby got down on one knee
can u just stop ok how is your sister
they have been talking more than that and idk
they have been together longer than that
idk and why do u care anyways? - Nathan
u hurt her and said that she was faking this engagement
she didnt she didn't like him so get ur facts straight-Nathan
I thought she was ur friend-Nathan
she says that her and Shelby r engaged and they have had parents consent
why would u say that she isn't?
Ik what she said
she's in hospital because of this
wow all u care about is urself
I read all she said and yea she is hurting and I can not get her to talk I know u to get her for I now she is ok
what do u mean u don't know her and idk how she is
Ik how u r feeling
she nearly lost her friend in school and now her gf
wow nice Idk her and your sister but I am scared that your sister and my now friend is not ok
what? no offence that made no sense
u wanna know the real Billie
I'm not I promise someone said I was