I can't let my baby girl grow up without a mom-david


I can't let my baby girl grow up without a mom-david

20 5
What's up
I'm good hbu
Nothin much just bored and missing someone
ah same
Awe who??
my family
haha nice
Yeah 😌
you ok?
aren't you dating Morgan😳🤔 -the boys
no she said she was single
wait no she didn't
yeah she did and plus she was sending pictures of herself to someone named jake so....
*looks around* not exactly
no she didn't and that was her modeling pics
what's wrong
well she said she was single I know she did...
A bunch of stuff it's complicated and a long story
oh ok
Yeah how are you
I'm good
That's good so have you found anyone yet to be Kennedys mom
no I haven't
no she didn't her twin MEGAN said she is single but MORGAN never said she was single
I swear it said Morgan
it didn't
Awe I sorry
got it off the internet