I love cats💕-Anna


I love cats💕-Anna

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yeah the collage is gone and I don't know why? resume?
it's rocks *bites lip* I know it's really stupid
rocks and heights *bites lip* I know it's rlly stupid
oh that's okay *smiles* it's not stupid
it is of u get bullied because of it *looks down*
it's not stupid *smiles*
*smiles a lil still looking down* thank you
*raises your chin* you're welcome
*looks at you and smiles then blushes a little*
*thinks: God she's so cute but we're friends* yeah
*takes a sip of my smoothie* d...do you like video games *thinks: I wish we where more then friends if be so happy but maybe I'm not destined to be since we r just friends*
*takes a sip* yeah do you? *thinks: I wonder if she likes me*
I love them *takes a sip* do u wanna play video games at mine after this?
sure *smiles*
yay! *takes another sip*
*chuckles and takes some sips*
*finishes* do u like the smoothie?
yeah, I just finished *finishes* it was delicious *smiles* did you?
yes I loved it *smiles* ready to head back to mine? *picks up our stuff and throws it in the bin and walks back to u*
yeah *smiles and opens the door for you*
thank you! *smiles and walks out then fixes beanie* okay which way back to mine I'll probably go the wrong way again *chuckles*
this way I think *points it right area*
okay I'm just gonna wing it! *laughs and walks next to you in that direction and out hands brush so I bite my lip*
*holds your hand* so we don't get lost okay *bites my lip*
yeah... *bites lip too and tangles my fingers with urs
yeah *walks and thinks: jeez really Matt so we don't get lost. I'm stupid*
*walks and we arrive and I open the door* here we are
so sorry gtg sleep now gnight😜❤️
aye, we didn't get lost *bites my lip*
good night, I'll talk to you tomorrow
no we did *smiles nervously and walks in* (gnight😘❤️🙊😳)
yeah *smiles nervously* (good night😉👋🏻✨)
*shuts the door and walks in*
okay *smiles* what game?
uh u choose I like assassins creed and black ops things like that. I also have minecraft and halo
you can choose *smiles*
nooooooo *laughs* okay how about assassins creed if I kill your team and win u have to buy pizza and vice versa
okay *smiles* either way I get to hang out with you
aww *tries not to blush*
*smiles at you* shall we start?
yup *tosses u a remote controller and sits on couch* just to warn you I'm bad àss at these games *starts*
well *smiles* we'll have to see *chuckles*
*looks at u and chuckles* oh it is on! *chooses weapon*
*chooses weapon and chuckles* okay
*walks around in the game*
*does the same*
*sees u and throws a bomb*
*cracks up and runs after you then goes onto the building that's above you*
I like a girl who can play video game *looks away because only meant to think that and not say it*
I like a boy who can play video games with a girl and doesn't find it weird! *cheekily jumps ontop of you and and stabs u in the game* I win! PIZZA!!!!
*laughs* you distracted me *pins you down*
noooo... *laughs* I still win!
fine *chuckles* want to go out and and eat or stay in and order the pizza?
you choose since you lost! *giggles* u realise your never gonna live this down right?
no I'm not am I? *laughs* we'll stay in then
*shakes head and mouth* noooooo *giggles* MKay sounds like a plan!
*laughs and pins you down* what can I do?
mmm idk... *struggles to get free then looks at where you've put your legs and hits them so that you fall over and I pin u down* heehee
nooo *laughs*
YESSS! u put your legs in the worst place when pinning someone down. balance strength is what my sensei used to say to me
well I didn't know that *laughs and looks at you admirably*
well now ya do *gets off of u and tosses the phone to u*
*orders the pizza* should be here soon
yay! *smiles and packs the remote controllers away* if u want we can okay more after we have eaten but we can okay something that I'm not experienced at like minecraft or something
yeah sure *smiles^
*smiles and pizza artives* okay that was exceptionally quick
*goes to the door and pays for the pizza* I know right
do they work like a few doors down or something *laughs* next time I'm paying k? *takes pizza box from u* dips on first slice *laugs*
oh fine *smiles* Maybe the next door cooks it *chuckles*
*cracks up* yeah right! *smiles and takes a slice* wiw this smells good come on dig in*
*grabs a slice and eats it* want anything to drink?
nah I'm good for now thnx *smiles and takes a bite*
okay *smiles and takes a bite*
*gets sauce all over face*
*laughs and wipes your face with a napkin*
sorry, you had sauce on your face *chuckles*
oh thank you *chuckles and blushes then covers cheeks*
stop that *bites lip* I like it when you blush
oh *blushes more and moves hands then bites lip*
*puts my hand on your cheek* see? very beautiful *bites my lip*
*blushes hard and looks at u*
*kisses you then pulls away* I'm sorry
no it's okay *bites lip* it was nice...
really? *bites lip* can I do it again?
sure *smiles*
*bites my lip and kisses you*
*kisses back softly*
*puts my hand on your neck and keeps kissing you*
*puts arms around your neck*
*slides you onto my lap and keeps kissing you*
I gtg I'll be on in 5 hours
I really wanted to do that *looks at you*
me too *bites lip*
(okay see ya later) really *looks in your eyes and bites my lip*
*bites my lip* (hey)
(hey) *smiles at you and bites my lip again*
*smiles and kisses your cheek* (sorry fell asleep)
(it's okay) so w-what do we do? I mean like um do you wanna *scratches head* be m-my girlfriend
*blushes* yes... I do...
*smiles* yess
Matt?!?!?! please respond!