Collage by lovers-


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hiii daddyyy
I'm doing good, how about you daddy
I'm glad your doing well, I missed you more baby
*smiles and kisses you back*
aww really, what is it baby ?
*smiles when I get the small box, opening it* wait really what is it ?
*opens the box and gets the ring out, looking at it as my eyes get watery* aww baby, thank you..I'm fine with this, no need to make the ring better than this one *puts the ring on, and kisses you*
*smiles looking at my ring* I love you more papi
nooo meee *looks at you smiling* I got you two presents baby
*looks at you and get up* uhm sir yes I did, lemme go get them
(hmmp your gone for a long time😔 )
hmmm yes i did baby *gets the gifts from the closet, walks over to you and hands them to you*
( its okay, i hope you slept well handsome)
*sits next to you, squeals when you start unwrapping them*
(the gifts are retro black cats -the shoes- and the other one is the black denim tears)
*watches you and smiles*
do you like them baby? *looks at you*
your welcome papi, I'm glad you like them
*watches you while I play with my ring*
*looks up and goes into your arms*
ugh, come back.. its been one whole day :( are you leaving the app again ?
*smiles feeling loved when you hold me*
are you sure baby ?
okay papi, just making sure
*lifts up your shirt, tracing your abs*
*continues to trace them* wow, you have a 6 pack babe
*uses two of my figures to make them walk up your chest*
*makes them to your lips and smiles*
*smiles* mm i dont know *pecks your lips*
*kisses your lips*
(sure, what's her name?)
( okay babe, i'll change it when we restart promise)
( okay, can we continue ? )
(mkay) *pulls away from your lips and smiles, then kisses them again*
*kisses your lips and slowly makes my hand down to your pants waist line*
*unbuttons your pants and glides my hand in your boxers, still kissing you*
*gently rubs your length while k-ssing you*
*continues while k-ssing you*
*continues to rub your length slowly but hard*
*moves my lips from yours so i can pull your pants down*
*takes my shirt off and starts to k-ss you again*
*kisses you and starts to rub you again*
*rubs you while kissing you*
*slides my tongue in your mouth while you kişs me , swirling it around yours then pulls back to whisper * i want you to f-k me until we’re both too tired to keep going
*giggles and wraps my arms gently by your neck and wraps my legs around your waist kissing you on your jawline*
*giggles and kisses your forehead*
honeyyyyy ^
*giggles and watches you*
*watches you*
*giggles as i watch you* mm baby your big
*moans when i feel you inside of me*
*moans* you feel so good inside of me daddy *moans and grips the sheets*
*lifts my head so I can see you and smiles while gripping on the sheets*
*moans and c-ms
*moans and c-ms*
*moans, gripping the sheets* ahh daddy