Don't you ever wish you were


Don't you ever wish you were

15 0
Aaron!Laurens Games Today You Coming?~Hazel
what game
Her Soccer Game!
she plays soccer since when
Her Whole Life..Just Hasn't Talked About It
*Claps* First Her Birthday & Now Her Game..Wow
she never told me I'm super busy Hazel I got things to do like school and music I sometimes don't have time for October
She's Gonna Be Mad At You..Anything You Want Me To Say To Her..Or Are You To Busy For That Too?
you know what everyone supports me everyone except for fûcking you
Well Then Get A New Sister! If That's What You Want!
I didn't say that I'm just saying be patient I won't be here everyday you need go understand that
I'm Just Gonna Go So You Can Get One *Walks Out*
Woah Hazel You Okay?~Lauren