This kind of goes for everyone bc, you know, feminism is equality of all genders, js -t


This kind of goes for everyone bc, you know, feminism is equality of all genders, js -t

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men didn't define the feminist movement. feminists did. if you don't want your movement to be called a hate movement, don't make it one.
ditto on your whole "white Christian homophobic transphobic misogynist capitalist thing" ...oh wait
white is not a movement. Christianity is not a movement. I'm not homophobic or transphobic. there is no way I could possibly be a misogynist, because I'm a woman myself. capitalism isn't a movement either, it's a type of government.
I didn't say they were a movement, I said "ditto" as in if you don't want your whole thingcalled hate then don't be a hater
how am I the hater?? you're the one saying that all men are oppressors and rapists
am I? please show me WHERE I SAID THAT
@c-s you can be misogynistic and a women...