I think I might like Logan but if I say yes he might say that he was kidding and doesn't like me cause I think he might do that


I think I might like Logan but if I say yes he might say that he was kidding and doesn't like me cause I think he might do that

8 0
trust me just say yes and go for it once the same thing happened to me and then I said yes and we were s couple not a joke
and if he was joking then just say oh ok but I thought I liked you and then his nick name can be jack a** sorry I get a little crazy sometimes
thx for the help but I am not shore he is nice but he's a year yonger and not in my class
oh the age don't matter but the class thing
I am not talking about age I live in New Zealand and we have years not grades and I am in year 8 and he is in year 7 and I am off to high school next year so I won't see him