My life isn't worth living anymore


My life isn't worth living anymore

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don't do that please I don't know u you don't know me but o know that everyone is worth something in this world ❤️
your all worth it please stay alive
that makes two of us 😔😓
yes it is, you deserve to live and be happy and have a better life. I know you don't deserve the pain and that sucks, but please everything will be okay. please don't take your life away. ❤️
You are worth it. Please stay strong💞 things will get better! maybe not now but in the future!
yes it is I know it is because I went though it and it hurt everyone......I want to do it again though
please don't post such triggering things
I hate myself
"Do they trust you when your alone?" me: ha not s chance
I have cut myself to
hey, God believes you can do great things in this world. that's why he put you here in the first place.