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Plz follow me

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text about him
did Brodrick say anything about me not being there?
no acted as stupid as usual
did he say anything about me not being there or something else
no he acted stupid
jhakob asked tho
r u sure he likes me
u there
but I found something out tho
this is dumb he's never will love me πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”
what did u find out
plz tell me
I swear my dog ran away
seriously I'm not joking I don't swear unless it's true swearing to God but lying about it is line to God and I don't do that
hay Angel and Brooklyn
what did you find out
just wait
got to do dishes and go to ur notifications jhakob
ohh I swear my dog ran away I'm not kidding
hay sorry I have to clean
I have to fold my brothers closes he's 6 he don't know how to fold so ya bye see u girls tom ok
why first of all it doesn't take that long to fold clothes especially hey six-year-old's
i'm sorry this girl just like erased me because I was getting all up her face because of the pretty or ugly one she said I was in the middle
and I told her oh yeah girlfriend you know you have zero followers I have almost 500
well his got 100 close seemed like but I'm dome
hey y'all what up
cool unicorn brother!