Collage by Chubby_Mangle_Boi


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That’s so sweet xx
yas! all of my classmates hate me, there’s only one teacher that hates me, but all the others just consider me another student, I’m nothing special
well, I hang out with the group of “misfits” the reason why I call them misfits is because we don’t have the same likes, dislikes (except for Justin Bieber), and we have completely different personalities
aw omg
I love chocolate and now I also love Connor's mum
¿Why do they have beef with Japan?
Re: *hugs you* I meant I’ll never will be one...because my mom will always beat me down and say “I can’t be a boy.” But, I’m glad that you and my other Transgender friends can.
That's... Wow. An interesting opinion?
Re: P-please don’t hurt yourself! It’s okay.
Man that sucks. I wanna like donate my DSI to you or something, Nintendo is not something anyone should miss out on
Re: *hugs back* it’s okay
It's oBvIouSlY German propaganda designed to brainwash and weaken us so that Germany can win in WWIII
Re :) ♥️
*hugs* yes, I love you too