Things are shaping up to be pretty odd


Things are shaping up to be pretty odd

91 27
Little deaths in musical beds
trump make up your mind
omg did he actually say that
Oh and funny story: *me in biology* "Yo Kayli" "What?" "yO you bullet proof and black like a funeral *points to her black outfit* the world around is burning *points to the Global Warming poster I made* But we're so cold *because we're cold hearted aśs hats* it's the few, the proud, and the emotional" *we both laugh crazy hard* "Come to Karen for your daily emo lyrics" *both laugh so hard that I actually accidentally knock off Nat's book bag and it hits the dirt samples that fall all over the floor*
I tried to covertly sweep it up, then Mrs. Weathers came over with a look of "...... Karen..... what are you doing....." and then laughs at me because I'm apparently hilarious for trying to casually sweep under the table
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