Someone please tell me where I can find that one video where Jungkook's like "I'd rather die than live without passion~" and yoongi's like "ooHHH JUNGKOOK'S GONNA DIE!1!1" bc I need it thank you goodbye


•Kachicka• Someone please tell me where I can find that one video where Jungkook's like "I'd rather die than live without passion~" and yoongi's like "ooHHH JUNGKOOK'S GONNA DIE!1!1" bc I need it thank you goodbye

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If you type "pops in seoul bts" in youtube, you'll see a vid with jimin holding a yellow piece of paper in the the thumbnail. Its that video and I think suga says that at around 4 minutes in the vid
T h a n k y o u b l e s s