Collage by Jackie-TSG


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The on,y shines I ever found was the red garados, may I ask: can u give me a free shiny?
Never in my LIFE I got a shiny
there's always that one person in squad
Medicham is the unnecessary hype chick
I used to have a medicham in my party (Pokemon Diamond) man I remember her.... Now I have a better team
She was my MVP in ORAS, but I changed her over to Y to join my competitive team
I think the best team I've ever had was my X team tbh. It was mega Blastoise, mega Amphoros (that's how u spell it right?), Halluacha (when u can't even spell the names of your team), mega lucario, mega Aerodactyl, and absol
My Y team had Drifblim, Scrafty, Mega Venasaur. Delphox, Florges and Lapras