Collage by Bakugo_Katsuki


2 2
2. Black,White,Purple, and red
3. Oof-People~ 🥴
6. Oh, uh thanks
10. we cool
12. sorry, I’m taken
15. sorry, I don’t...
17. my step sisters and some pc friend
20. Ummm...a bit.. 😓😓
23. I’m from South Korea but raised in the US
33. Thanks I love me too (jk) but I’m taken
37. hmmm, idk
41. I’m still taken
42. Hmmmm idk (tbh)
44. say a bad word in class but teacher never cared
45. I look for kind people and warm heated
47. sorry no
48. I don’t know why we even got together...
49. Probably not, but I won’t
50. it was my ex, we had it for 2 month but if me and my girl can go farther I’d be happy
55. a fried that loves bakugo!
56. 😳 Do I have to answer this... (tell me)
61. yes, but idc anymore
62. If you want love by NF
65. Ok, I guess
For #56, yes, you doo please
Well, to be honest...I don’t know...