Ugh finals are killing me! So I know I don't talk much about my personal life on pic collage, it's not very interesting, (and internet safety) but I kinda need to rant... so go  ahead and read or skip or whatever. I am so stressed about my classes and wor


Ugh finals are killing me! So I know I don't talk much about my personal life on pic collage, it's not very interesting, (and internet safety) but I kinda need to rant... so go ahead and read or skip or whatever. I am so stressed about my classes and wor

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*work that it is messing with my free time. I no longer am reading or writing or doing any of the stuff I LOVE to do. HOW THE HËLL DO PEOPLE DO IT? uhhh!
I am also trying to convince my parents that I should go to the upcoming tøp concert... but tickets are sold out. do I trust ticket resales? or should I wait and hope they come back, because I am too desperate? okay rant over...
u r gonna do amazing on the finals 👍🏼😊
same I always do my homework and then by the time I finish I am so tired I just go to bed but hopefully you'll do great on the the finals
omg that's hilarious! not the finals and you part, the actual post...I hope you did just fine