Self Portrait ft. Bad coloring 

I haven't really been confident in my art style lately, tbh I really want to completely change it because I am really dissatisfied with it.


Self Portrait ft. Bad coloring I haven't really been confident in my art style lately, tbh I really want to completely change it because I am really dissatisfied with it.

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You're art style is super cute though! But i get what you mean. ^^ Just keep messing around with different styles until you find one that you really like and it's comfortable! ^^
@Rimakyu ahh thank you, you always are so kind ;;w;;
I actually like the coloring ;w;
@Bunni whaaa rlly? ;0
I love your art style personally, also, you seem super cute from that picture oh my gosh
@Write ahh thank you >\\\\<
cute. cute cute cute. cute.
your art I s2g 👌👌