


12 1
I'm sorry you have to see me sad 😭
Why are you sad?
the person I'm in love with is already taken πŸ˜”
Oh yea. I'm sorry. How do you know thorn?
πŸ˜” me and her flirt with each other πŸ˜” that's how I know her πŸ˜”
:( I'm sorry. who's she dating? and are you a girl?
yea I'm a girl πŸ˜”
nice collage
ur welcome and are u mad at me
why would I be mad at you? I'm not
then y aren't u answering me
Bc I'm at school and I'm busy. sorry.
omg I'm so Srry 😱 I'm so stupid did I txt u in class
ur out of school
it's fine! still in school, and my phone is off
ok bye
I don't want ur phone be taken away bc of me
Nah it'd be fine. My phones off Bc it's dead lol
omg then bye
i don't want anything to happen to u bc of me πŸ˜”
what's up
school. Hbu
listening to music 🎢🎧
what music?
heavy metal
what band?
I'll check them out
they're amazing πŸ˜„