Tap/click (reason why I posted this)

So I noticed I'm having problems with depression and this week it was terrible. I'm glad I'm better since yesterday. I hope it will stay like this. Some of the thoughts are mine, and some from internet.


Tap/click (reason why I posted this) So I noticed I'm having problems with depression and this week it was terrible. I'm glad I'm better since yesterday. I hope it will stay like this. Some of the thoughts are mine, and some from internet.

146 2
OMG! I never knew you were coping with depression! It must be so hard. I support you, if it helps to know that. Please feel better soon! 😘😘 MUCG xx
your collages are so amazing😍 it means so much that you liked some of my collages😁 TYSM❀️
your account is a masterpiece thank you so much for all the likes and following me wow your amazing I love your collages πŸ’­βœ¨πŸ’›πŸ™ˆπŸ˜ŠπŸ’™πŸ’ŽπŸŒ€
thankyou for the spam and I love ur acc