Pfff... Maybe randomly cool? Anyway, my crush (from now on I'm calling him N) was looking at me while I was saying my speech and I swear I'm still with the little smile. 


Comment πŸ‘“if you read all...


Pfff... Maybe randomly cool? Anyway, my crush (from now on I'm calling him N) was looking at me while I was saying my speech and I swear I'm still with the little smile. 😘😘 Comment πŸ‘“if you read all...

26 0
πŸ‘“I'm shipping you nowπŸ˜‚β€οΈ
It shall it shall indeedπŸ˜‚
Awwww OTPPPP❀️❀️❀️
πŸ‘“I finally found itπŸ˜