For @MarshiMaw. If you want me to change anything, let me know


For @MarshiMaw. If you want me to change anything, let me know

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OwO omg this is amazing! thank you so much this is very beautiful! :3
Thanks, but it could never be better than your collages😊
aw, thank you ^^ your collages are amazing nonetheless
re:// i'm fine with doing the collab anytime really, just know that i've never done a collab before :3
looks like we'll be trying this out together then! as long as you're free time-wise tho i'll be fine too
yay! uh, how do we do? would you like one of us to edit and the other to make the collage or...?
umm, how about one chooses a quote and pictures, while the other one puts the whole collage together. Then when we're done we both get sent the collages and post them on both of our accounts. That's how I did my first collab
ooh yea, okay! that sounds perfect to me! would you want me or you to choose the quote and pictures?
^^ do you want me to find a quote and the pictures or do you wanna do that?
yuppo, i'm perfectly okay with that! however it would be nice if you told me what character you would want so that i can find an appropriate quote? its okay if you just want a surprise tho!
it really doesnt matter to me! as long as its not hentai or something
sounds awesome! everyone's favourite yandere, of course :3
huhu i've already got so many Yuno renders saved now oml
i'm so excited! your collages are always so awesome!
aw, thank you! i'd never think that someone would love my collages so much •^^•
aw, alright uwu
hey, i have the quote and render decided, how should i give them to you?
yay! i can't wait to see how this turns out'
:O omg that's absolutely wonderful! aaaa i love it, i wouldn't change anything!