What are some piercings that you want to get and and some you would never get? I want a cartilage piercing, and an industrial. I wouldn’t get any kind of mouth piercing or a n í pp lé piercing because they scare me lol


What are some piercings that you want to get and and some you would never get? I want a cartilage piercing, and an industrial. I wouldn’t get any kind of mouth piercing or a n í pp lé piercing because they scare me lol

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I already have 1 cartilage piercing but I want anotha one 😂
ummm one I would never get is an eyebrow piercing ig
i want a septum piercing and i would never get the one on the side above the mouth. it turns u from a ten to a four lol
i want a side nose piercing uk and i would not get a tongue piercing they look so painful and ruin ur mouth
i want a septum or lip piercing but i’d never get a tongue piercing they seem painful as heck
I want some cartilage piercings and lip piercings are cool but idk if I’d get one
I’m getting a third lobe piercing and a cartilage one for my bday this week !!!!!
I want a cartilage piercing and maybe a side nose ring. I would never get a tongue piercing or that one that goes in between your teeth and upper lip I forgot what it’s called