OMG three featured in one day!


OMG three featured in one day!

421 33
hi, i really love ur account soo much! i know you probably get that alot, i was just wondering, are u following me? i was just wondering, if u are not, i doesn't matter! just wondering ps plz respond cuz i love u!
aw thanks so much! I'm not sure let me check!✨
one more spot left for The Orange Team for the whole Outfit Games!!!! once that team's full then the outfit games (TOG) will start!!! sign up for TOG now!
buddy can you follow me? it would mean so much and like I said I love your acc!
Thanks!! Yours too
omg my collages are gone! some of them are missing😭
I know I just noticed!!! does anyone co-own ur acc? do u know if someone deleted them or something?😭
no no one co owns, I guess one of my haters reported them just to be mean
ugh that's disgusting and rude😒 idk why people are like that
I think they reported our bestie collage too😭
I know they did that makes me so mad!
they reported some of my featured too so now my featured ones are gone!
that's so rude!!! u worked really hard on them!! how do we report them?
you press the 3 dots
okay should I report them?
I've blocked them and reported them but if u did it as well it would really help thanks!☺️💓
okay I will do it as well (: are u following the hate pages?
no I've blocked all that I know of
oh can u tell me the names of the hate pages
Congratulations bestie for be almost in the top of the pop page! you deserve it!
this is scary...