Not really an edit... (tap)
So I’ve decided, I’m going to change my writing account to an extras. Now I just have to change everything that says TheRavenclawWrites 😂 small price to pay, I guess. 
Oh and I guess this is the end of my dog theme, it wasn’t r


Not really an edit... (tap) So I’ve decided, I’m going to change my writing account to an extras. Now I just have to change everything that says TheRavenclawWrites 😂 small price to pay, I guess. Oh and I guess this is the end of my dog theme, it wasn’t r

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@caption: I guess this is the end of my dog theme, it wasn’t really that long 😅🤣
just so u know I am about to do a dog theme! I have been planning on doing it for a while so please don’t think I’m copying! I have. a bunch of premade collages but I won’t be doing it until like 4 more collages are posted! so just a warning!💕
WOW SO STUNNING also I loved your dog theme it was super cute