Very true.


Very true.

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OMG I love James❤️
it me
I do this all the time
You look sad in the pic :(
I'm sorry. I found a better one from earlier tonight if you want it.
and it's alright
Do you want it?
Yes please
Please tell me the joke
I don't think you'll understand.
Plz tell me
It's an alien and telepathy thing.
I heard it before :)
Heard what?
The joke :)
I know it :)
No- it's an inside joke. No one knows it but us. What did you think it was? xp
Keely, I saw it on Tv
You saw what? A joke?
What's wrong?
I'm upset at myself for pushing all of my friends away
Please please tell me what you don't like about me.
There has to be something.
Please tell me.
I don't like telling people what I don't like about them
Can we Rp more though
We can rp if you tell me everything you don't like about me honestly.
It hurts to know when you say you're not cute. I believe you're beyond cute
Alright, Kate ☺️ More please.
I don't like when your sad❤️
You can be mean, Kate. Please.
Keely, it'll hurt if I be mean to you
Please be mean.
I don't like when you say you don't have friends
Mean please.
I don't like when you keep quite to your parents about you being a lesbian
You should be proud for being a lesbian
Good. Meaner.
I don't like when you tell me to be mean to you
x3 Princess, please just a little more. It's okay <3
I don't like when you don't kiss back
Okay. More please. That wasn't so mean.
Keely, plz no more, I'm already crying
I'm sorry. Why're you crying? It's me that's having mean stuff being said about me.
Keely, I can't be mean to you, you're mean the universe to me
*Hugs* I like it, Kate.
Princess, I really like it.
I care about you
Keely, why do you like it
I just do, Princess.
My heart has softened up, when I met you❤️
I'm a mean to other kids cause I don't give a fxčk what feel cause of past reason. But I can't be mean to you
Please try, Princess.
Please don't make me, I really don't wanna cry
Aw :c
Baby, can Rp now, so I can calm down
Later <3
Keely, can create our Rp page
I don't like rp.
Keely, but you told me you would later
Yeah, I will.
Can you hold me, I'm going through hard time in life
One min I'm calm and the next I'm sad again from stuff in my life
*Holds you* It'll get better.
*Rests my head on your lap* Can you help me get through it together
*Hugs* Thank you
I got the qualification I was working for.
What do you mean
That's why I'm not working at the nursery anymore. I had to work at the nursery and do some other work to get the qualification.
It helps to get the job I want.
What's the job
It means I'm qualified to do a particular job.
Working at a nursery.
Don't you like it?
Yes I like it, that's why I put the smiling face😘
^_^ I'm gonna go to bed now, Princess.
Keely, I thought you were gonna Rp with me
Yeah, I said later, Princess.
Goodnight, gorgeous.
Goodnight, My queen❤️