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angel I'm on baby girl just plz don't leave me// lightning
lightning, tell her not to cut herself please
I'm trying
sorry if that sounded desperate
I don't want you to leave pc
Ik that baby girl, but Vannah is upset and tired of everything that happening to her
nobody is leaving pic collage
let me find out with Vannah
angel, well all love u guys, kimmy is happy rn more then ever, Lola is happy, l is happy, Crystal is happy, ken is happy, and everyone else is happy as well, I'm happy bc I have the most amazing and beautiful wife ever
it's okay. if you wanna talk about it we can...
yea that almost has over hundred cuts
baby girl just plz stop cutting plz, I can't lose u like I lost my dad
your lucky you have a mom
my mom died after she had me
o I'm sorry babes,looks down
-hugs u and sign- it's ok, the good this is I have my family and my cuz and my beautiful wife
I love you and I'm sorry
I love u to, and u have nothing to be sorry for
no I'm sorry I cut
baby I have to show u something
I posted it
I posted it
babes please don't cut your self okay
sits on the couch
NO!!!!!! Sis...-cleans ur cuts and wraps them then hugs u- ik ik.
I'm happy I have a sister like you
im happy i have u too...but u cant do this ok..we have to b strong we have each other. -shows u my old scars- life is heΕΕ but we got this...