Comment if u want me to do anther party at  6:30


Comment if u want me to do anther party at 6:30

20 3
I might be late if so sorry
hey u commented o my pic and the reply is yes kinda I'm bi anyway why πŸ˜‚β€οΈ
I don't know nor care wanna come to my party
eh why not when is it
oh never mind don't judge I'm blonde
Ninjagogirl ur things are made
hey I'm sry I wanted to spam you but you have so many collages!! I just couldn't!! Sry!! Love you tho!! -Sea_it
if you search up beautiful you can find it
ok thanks
this is answering your comment: Idk why I did it but I do know loads of people get bullied and I know I'm lucky I'm not one of them. I also know you're getting bullied and you don't deserve it! You're one of the nicest people I've met and you are beautiful! So I guess I do know why I did it
I'm ready to chat
I'm ready to chat
ok good I really need to empty my heart but first u must agree to ALL these thing before I tell u
brb gotta take a shower
ok u ready raise a any emoji if u are ready
ok hurry I feel awful
I got to wait for her what time is it
what time do u have to go to bed
ok cool hurry up swift
I hate this drama stuff that's been going around
I know like what
do you want me to make you an icon?πŸ˜ƒ
yes plz
well, I've just herd stuff from different people and that they don't want to be on pic collage and stuff like that
ok what do you want on urban icon
I want to I got it for a reason
I'm back
what do you want on it, do you play a sport
ok good are y'all my freinds
I will give it to you tomorrow, is that ok
are y'all my friends
what? I'm going over my questions so I can empty my heart
ok good will y'all keep a secret about what I say hear
I can
*here* ok then that is for all of us I'm gonna give each a secret password that only u know so that I don't share any personal news with a stranger
are u there ninjagogirl?
but then delete the code k
or something simple
so what is this for
so I can trust y'all and empty my heart to y'all guys
yep you can trust me
ok then this might seem soooooo stupid but I'm getting cyber bullied everyday and I mentally hurt my brain is gonna pop and my hearts gonna burst I hurt I want to be happy but I can't I just feel empty so many people every day hurt me. I need something or someone to help me
you can trust me too
read it it took forreever to write
plzz help I'm gonna blow up
what should I do?
ok you should block people who are being mean to you
I know but it hurts still it still hurts it's still there
you mean what that girl with the teddy bear profile pic that blocked us?
and tree others
who's the three others?
I don't know there names I'm so sad
me too😭
why are u sad do I need to help u
no I'm sad i got blocked I never got blocked before
aww I'm sorry
I'm sorry about what I said I was not thinking that people have problems to
I have a question what do u mean by "stalk"???
like the bad version
no I just mean I like to look at ur post what do u mean *bad*
it's ok
I'm very sorry let's forget my problems and let's talk about urs
I will help you be happy
how? iWill do what the "doctor"says
ok it's ok
how will u make me happy?
you can have a new icon??
ok I like that idea something neon and cheery
thank u
I love it it so pretty but my heart still hurts
Well, I have brown hair, and brown eyes.πŸ˜‚
are u a boy or girl
your welcome
he looks like a boy to me but idk just guessing
you have hundred comments
is it his profile
on this collage
yea to which question
what are you talking about?
um my heart still hurts
nvm my head hurts from all the cyber stuff
oh yea sorry I forgot😭
it's fine it's fine I just hurt
so any other ideas to make me happy I'm sorry but if u can do something to make me happy
ur not onπŸ˜”