I think I might use this account as a spam. I missed the people on PC way to much to leave that soon. I won’t be making edits, but
I’ll be on here.


I think I might use this account as a spam. I missed the people on PC way to much to leave that soon. I won’t be making edits, but I’ll be on here.

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hmm I don’t know for sure but I know one time her dad caught her on Pinterest or something and I think that kinda started it ... she wasn’t sure if he was gonna do something about it or what and then it wasn’t too much later that it happened so idk
I’m not sure. I hope that someday she can and I’m sure like whenever she gets older she’ll want to come back and talk to her friends but for now there’s no good way to talk with her :(( rly sucks doesn’t it
re// of course!! i’ll remix you back when she responds
yw💜and yay thank you!! i’ll follow you back